
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Turtles: Jase - Work hard and concentrate

Jase chose to write a letter back to the giant. He used his sounds brilliantly and his handwriting is beautiful! Jase strives for accuracy and precision when he is writing. Well done!

Flamingos: Miley - Respect yourself and others

Miley is always so kind and helpful to others. She looks for opportunities to help and does so without being asked. A fabulous Flamingo class member!

Sun Bears: Benjamin - Work hard and concentrate

Ben has had a great week in Sun Bears. He has worked very hard on his handwriting, trying so hard and joining his letters. Great effort, well done!

Foxes: Melody - All Learning behaviours

Since our half term break, melody has worked really hard at making the right choices and impressing us with her work. Keep this up Melody!

Badgers: Jake - Work hard and concentrate

Jake has really impressed us with how he has challenged himself this week, particularly in Maths! You've definitely been 'in the zone', well done!

Toucans: Issy - Work hard and concentrate

Issy produced an excellent 'Big Write' this week. She was determined and ambitious and really tried to create a fantastic villain story. She used her planning and some great vocabulary to really hook the reader!

Sharks: Polly - Work hard and concentrate

Polly has put in hours to improve her writing even further. All of her written work is meticulously presented, keep up the hard work!

Sport Cup: Fynn - Don't give up

Fynn has had a cracking couple of PE lessons and shown great control with lots of perseverance in hockey. He was so determined to get the ball away from his partners! Well done!

