
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Turtles: Eva - Don't give up

Eva is always thinking about success and making good choices. She always sticks at challenges showing determination. Eva independently made some binoculars this week, although it was tricky, she persevered!

Flamingos: Eddie - Try new things

Eddie has shown great courage with his learning this week. He has self-selected his learning appropriately, challenging himself and trying his very best.

Sun Bears: Rhys - Improve

Rhys has had an amazing week in sun Bears. He has impressed Mrs George with his hard work in phonics. Rhys has 'wowed' the teachers with his concentration and effort.

Foxes: Emily - Improve

Emily has worked hard to improve her descriptive writing and has produced some outstanding work. What a 'fantastic fox'.

Badgers: Jodie - Improve

Jodie, your determination to improve your reading stamina has really impressed us all. Through dedication and hard work, you are achieving things you never thought you could!

Toucans: Harry - Imagine

Harry has really embraced our RE work on miracles this week. He used his imagination to help him think about and respond to challenging questions. keep it up!

Sharks: Amelie - Work hard and concentrate

Amelie has shown a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for our WWII topic. She has worked hard and produced some fantastic work.

Sport Cup: Emilie - Respect yourself and others

Emilie was amazing this week, stepping in at short notice to compete in the Sports-hall competition at Ramsey. She is always enthusiastic and willing to have a go and is a delight to have in the team. Well done and thank you!

