Turtles; Ruby-Leigh - Respect yourself and others
Ruby constantly thinks about her actions and how they impact upon others. She is helpful, kind and honest. What a great friend you are Ruby to all the Turtles.
Flamingos: Oliver - Don't give up
Oliver showed enormous perseverance with his learning. He found it tricky to draw a flamingo but showed real determination and didn't give up, He was so proud of the results.
Sun Bears: Leo - Respect yourself and others
Leo has been a kind and gentle friend helping our new Sun Bear Daisy settle into our class. Leo has explained all the routines of school life. Well done,Leo!
Foxes: Ruby - Work hard and concentrate
Ruby has shown an excellent hard working attitude towards her work. She is contributing great ideas on the carpet, especially during English.
Badgers: Elijah - Improve
What an amazing effort you have made this week to focus on your learning and contribute positively to discussions. We are so proud of you, Elijah, keep it up!
Toucans: Ruby - Don't give up
This week, Ruby has persevered with her place value work, even when she's found it tricky. She has shown determination and resilience and made real progress as a result!
Sport Cup: Jessica - Try new things
Jessica is new to the school and has fitted in beautifully to PE lessons. She worked especially well with her partner in dance this week and was even brave enough to demonstrate her move to the class. Well done, Jessica!