Caterpillars: Heath - Improve
Heath's reading has really improved and he is now blending his sounds. Heath made his own sound flashcards last week and took them home to practice. His efforts are being rewarded with great progress!
Bats: Kalen - Work hard and concentrate
Kalen has worked extremely hard to produce a great letter to the zoo to ask for the perfect pet. He focussed so hard to build successful sentences that he could confidently read.
Honey Bees: Melody - Don't give up
Melody worked so very carefully and diligently in Maths this week. She completed 3 pages of work, solving fraction challenges in just one lesson, sensational! Keep it up Melody.
Huskies: Phoebe - Try new things
Phoebe has shown great teamwork when trying out new activities in PE. She worked so well with her partner and helped them sensitively when needed. Great work Phoebe!
Otters: Clara - Work hard and concentrate
Clara has been incredibly focused and shown such a determined, positive attitude to her own learning as well as her peers. Super effort Clara!
Koalas: Ryan - Respect yourself and others
Ryan has been a pleasure to take on both trips this week, he has focused and concentrated well. This has meant he has got the most out of both West Stow and the Bollywood rehearsal. He showed excellent listening skills and polite manners during both trips.
Panthers: Jamie - Don't give up
Jamie has really stuck at his learning. He has persevered with areas he finds tricky and is making super progress. Fabulous effort Jamie!
Sport Cup: Hannah - Try new things
Hannah thoroughly enjoyed having a go at gymnastics in PE this week. By carefully selecting which body part balance to use, she showed she could take responsible risks with the space, equipment and her own body! Well done Hannah!