Caterpillars: Angel - Respect yourself and others
Angel has been learning with lots of different Caterpillars. Her confidence is growing daily and she readily helps others. Great effort Angel!
Bats: Corley - Work hard and concentrate
The standard of presentation in Corley's writing is always top quality. He is very conscientious when writing and this sets an excellent lead for others to follow.
Honey Bees: Anna - Don't give up
Amazing, astonishing Anna! Anna has steamed ahead in her subtraction work and showed terrific stamina and perseverance in her pirate story. Well done!
Huskies: Bella - Work hard and concentrate
Bella wrote an amazing newspaper report, using many powerful words and techniques for encouraging tension. We were 'blown away' with this. Well done and keep it up Bella!
Otters: Neve - Work hard and concentrate
Neve constantly strives to give her best in all aspects of school life, whether that be tackling a Maths challenge, writing a cracking explanation text or perfecting her line for the production. What a great role model!
Koalas: Connie - Imagine
Connie showed amazing imagination in English, writing a really effective and dramatic poem about the sinking of the Titanic. I was so impressed with the quality of her work
Panthers: Tallulah - Don't give up
Tallulah has really stuck at her learning. She has shown real resilience with her Maths and has made a huge improvement with her arithmetic. What a star!.
Sport Cup: Sienna - Improve
Sienna was a fantastic example to the Honey Bees when she helped Mrs Press demonstrate how to execute the finishing position in a gymnastics pose. She helped others in the class to improve their positions and take pride in their work. Well done Sienna - keep it up!