Caterpillars : Safia - Improve/Respect yourself and others
Safia has really tired hard to improve and be the best she can be. Safia has been a kind friend and shown her maturing ability to self regulate. Well done Safia, great effort!
Bats: Connie - Work hard and concentrate
Connie consistently earns her reading star week by week. Her enthusiasm for stories shows in her writing as she relishes 'Big Writing' tasks every fortnight. Well done Connie!
Honey Bees: Jake - Improve/Don't give up
Not only do you give 100% effort in everything, you are developing confidence in discussions. What terrific progress you have made! Keep going Jake, we are very proud of you.
Huskies: Chayton - Imagine
Chay's 'Big Write' story was fabulous, a gripping story with lots of rainbow words! What a superstar, well done Chay and keep it up!
Otters: Whole Class - Respect yourself and others
Otters - you have made us so proud this week. You have worked collaboratively to achieve brilliant things and have really impressed us with the respect you have showed each other.
Koalas: Tom - Improve
Tom has worked really hard to master the formal method for long multiplication. Well done Tom!
Panthers: Joe-Luca - Work hard and concentrate
Joe-Luca has really focused on his learning, he has concentrated really well in English this week and produced an amazing' Big Write'. Well done!
Sport Cup: Jessica - Try new things
Jessica showed great perseverance during PE this week. She enjoyed having a go at a new section of dance, working brilliantly with her partner. She was even brave enough to help Mrs Press demonstrate some of the dance to the rest of the class. Well done Jessica!