
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Love birds : Jessica - Respect yourself and others

Jessica is a loving lovebird, she plays beautifully with others and has fun at the same time.

Pandas : Ruby - Respect yourself and others.

Ruby has shown great maturity this week. She has been a wonderful role model in class by always making the right choices. She has helped other children, been assertive as well as showing love towards others.

Seahorses : Phoebe - Don't give up.

No matter what the challenge, Phoebe approaches everything with a smile and gives 100% effort. She is such a great example to others. Keep persevering Phoebe, we are so proud of you!

Giraffes: Abigail- Improve.

Abigail made a diligent decision in maths this week when choosing her challenges. What an effort to improve! Well done Abigail.

Ocelots :Sidney - Respect yourself and others.

Sidney is constantly respectful, he understands others and has a forgiving nature towards everyone. A super Ocelot, well done!

Polar Bears :Joshua - Don't give up.

We are so proud of you for the tremendous effort that you are putting into your reading. What a wonderful positive attitude, enthusiasm and thoughtful contributions to our discussion in Guided Reading this week!

Golden Eagles: Sam - Respect yourself and others.

Sam is always a pleasure to have in the class, but this week he has especially shone. He has been setting a fabulous example with his attentive listening, concentration and attention. As always, his contributions to the class have been excellent. Well done Sam!

Falcons : Harrison - Work hard and concentrate.

Harrison has been a real 'maths whizz' this week. He reached the solution of a complex algebraic problem before anyone else. Brilliant!

Sports Cup :Amy

Amy makes such efforts in all areas of P.E. producing great results. Well done Amy!

