
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Sophia - Work hard and concentrate

Sophia has really enjoyed learning the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' with actions. She has been a great example to everyone. Great effort Sophia.

Bats: Elis - Improve

Elis has grown as a writer enormously this term. She acts upon advice and is improving her range of vocabulary. A very enjoyable new version of the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' produced this week. Super star!

Honey Bees: Amy - Perseverance

What a fabulous week, Amy! Careful maths addition and mental maths getting better all the time! Magical Maths Amy!

Huskies: Chloe - Work hard and concentrate

Chloe has been amazing this week. She is really trying her best, is always one of the first to be ready to learn and enjoys her learning. Well done!

Otters: Luca - Imagine

Luca has wowed us with 'eggstraordinary' invention and problem solving skills - what a creative, innovative way of enabling an egg to defy gravity and escape the frying pan!

Koalas: Thomas - Imagine

Thomas has worked really hard this week in English. He has written a super suspense piece describing an alien landing. Well done, Thomas!

Panthers: Angel - Work hard and concentrate

Angel is a superb ambassador for Panthers class. She works diligently in class and gives every single lesson 100% Brilliant effort!

Sport Cup: Harry - Don't give up

Harry showed determination and perseverance during Basketball this week. Well done, Harry, keep it up!





