Caterpillars: Katie - Work hard and concentrate
Katie has been putting in the hours and is seeing the benefits. A great effort Katie and great improving, what a wonderful example for Caterpillars!
Bats: Chloe - Work hard and concentrate
Chloe is really focussed this term. As well as being a careful listener, she is able to manage distractions and produce fabulous work.
Honey Bees: Henry - Try new things/Don't give up
What amazing problem solving in Maths! Henry compared data brilliantly and invented his own problems to solve. Outstanding maths, Henry!
Huskies: Oliver - Work hard and concentrate
Oliver is making huge efforts to improve his literacy work, he listens and acts on advice and is taking a lot more pride in his work. What a superstar, keep it up Ollie!
Otters: Elisha - Work hard and concentrate
Elisha has had an 'Otterly brilliant' first week in Otters' class and settled in beautifully! Well done, Elisha!
Koalas: Heston - Work hard and concentrate
Heston has been amazing this week. He has started the term with an excellent attitude. He has been trying so hard with his handwriting and it is really improving. Keep it up, Heston!
Panthers: Oskar - Improve
Oskar has written a super 'Big write' this week. It was clearly punctuated and he took a great deal of care with his presentation. A great improvement!
Sport Cup: Connie - Don't give up
Connie didn't give up when practicing the speed bounce in PE. What an amazing performance Connie - you must have knees of steel!