
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Isabelle -Work hard and concentrate

Isabelle has tried to include writing in all her challenges this week. She does lots of writing at home too and is very proud to show her fellow caterpillars.

Bats: Ava - Respect yourself and others

Ava is a tremendous learning buddy in Bats class. She is patient and able to work with others brilliantly. What a wonderful quality to see!

Honey Bees: Ruby - Don't give up

We've been so impressed with how much Ruby has come along in her writing this week. She listened so well and finished some super instructions for her superhero sandwich. Keep up this determination in everything Ruby!

Huskies: Charlotte - Imagine

We were really blown away by Charlotte's writing in 'Big Write'. It put a big smile on our faces. Keep it up Charlotte and well done!

Otters: Ruby - Improve

Ruby has worked so hard at her maths this week and wowed us all by multiplying and dividing decimals by 100 independently! We're so proud Ruby!

Koalas: Dylan - Work hard and concentrate

Dylan has really impressed us with his maths work on division this week. He has challenged himself to work on tricky division problems, both with Mrs Thompson and on his own!

Panthers: Evie - Improve

Evie has striven to improve her maths and has excelled in ratio and proportion work this week. Keep it up!

Sport Cup: Lucas - Try new things

Lucas did really well in hockey this week, showing great concentration and skill. Well done and keep it up!



