
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Tiger Cubs: Elliot Cook - Work Hard and Concentrate

Elliot has made some fantastic contributions to out learning this week. He has shared knowledge on out topic of recycling with such enthusiasm, our 'Topic Expert.'

Reindeers: Margot - Improve and Don't Give Up

Margot always tries her very best but this week, she has challenged herself and persevered when she found something tricky. Well done!

Fennec Foxes: Maisie - Respect Yourself and Others

Maisie is an excellent example of someone who welcomes everyone. She will always make sure everyone is included and that everyone has a voice. What a super friend!

Pandas: Violet - Don't Give Up

Violet has shown great resilience this week in so many ways and she has tried her absolute best in all lessons, even when she wasn't 100%. Keep it up, Violet!

Snow Leopards: Bonnie - Respect Yourself and Others

Bonnie is such a kind and welcoming member of the class. Showing such support to friends in need or feeling nervous. 

Turtles: Poppy - Respect Yourself and Others

Poppy, you are consistently a generous classmate. You always look for ways to help others in the classroom and welcome others to play on the playground. You're a star!

Seals: Stanley - Respect Yourself and Others

Stan has worked so hard this week to use his knowledge and thinking to support others, particularly in History and R.E. Well done Stanley!

Sports Cup:  Elsie - Respect Yourself and Others

Elsie is a prime example of how we display all the Learning for Life Behaviours at St. Andrew's. In particular, Elsie always shows Respect Yourself and Others in her PE lessons, listening, sharing and is always polite. Well done Elsie!
