
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Love Birds: Kayden - Improve

Well done Kayden, for improving your letter formation.

Pandas: Neha - Don't give up

Neha has shown fantastic determination in all her work this week (especially assessments). Even when Neha felt unwell or was tired, she has stuck at the task until it has been completed.

Giraffes: Henry - Work hard and concentrate

Henry has been putting in the hours in maths and it is really showing. He worked hard in a strategic game and worked out how to win every time!

Seahorses: Oliver - Improve

Oliver has been striving to improve in all areas. Keep it up Oliver.

Ocelots: Brook - Work hard and concentrate

Brook has amazed us with his story writing. He has remained focussed, persevered and enjoyed creating his story, as well as putting in lots of his own time. A super effort Brook, well done.

Polar Bears: Annabelle - Don't give up

Annabelle has shown tremendous determination and perseverance. It has been wonderful to see her rising to a challenge, particularly in maths, with a smile!

Golden Eagles: Chloe - Improve

Chloe has worked hard to improve her concentration this week. She focused on all her work and gave her full attention during rehearsals. Well done Chloe!

Falcons: Chloe - Work hard and concentrate

Chloe has had a superb year. She has worked incredibly hard in all areas. Well done Chloe!

Sports Cup Winner: Jonathan - Try new things

Jonathan tried something new in PE this week and gave it such a good go - and was very good at it! Well done!
