Elephants: Jason - Improve and Work Hard and Concentrate
Jason has been working hard on his reading. He has made great progress with this and his confidence is growing, well done Jason.
Blue Whales: Niya - Work Hard and Concentrate
Niya continues to put 100% into all areas of her learning. She so enjoys it, setting herself extra challenges. Well done Niya!
Penguins: Thomas - Improve
Thomas has really impressed us this week with his attitude towards learning and he is striving to make good choices, well done and keep it up, Thomas!
Meerkats: Emily - Respect Yourself and Others
Emily could get Headteachers Cup every week - She is always kind and supportive of her friends and offers a smile to anyone who needs it. Well done and thank you Emily!
Orangutans: Logan - Try New Things
Logan blew us away on the class trip this week. We were so impressed with his willingness to try new things and expand his palette.
Axolotls: Rosie- Respect Yourself and Others
Rosie, you are always a kind and supportive Axolotl. You look out for others, make everybody smile. Well done Rosie!
Sports Cup: Niya - Respect Yourself and Others
Niya's approach to PE is always to give 100%. Niya is a great role model, never gives up, no matter how hard the task and is always there if somebody does not have a partner to work with. Well done Niya!