
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteachers Cup Winners

Elephants: Arthur - Respect Yourself and Others 

Arthur has shown great friendship with his friends this week.  He told an adult when a friend was upset and comforted them.  He has also been contributing well to class discussions, well done and keep it up Arthur!

Blue Whales: Connor - Improve & Respect Yourself and Others

Connor has shown great improvements this week!.  He has been making great behaviour choices and following rules and instructions making us all very smiley.  This shows respect to others Connor, well done!

Penguins: Landon - All 4 Learning Behaviours

What a shining example Landon is to all of those in Penguin Class.  He always makes good choices and this week showed great sportsmanship to others, congratulating the winning team despite being in a different house.  Great work Landon!

Meerkats: Eleanor - Improve, Don't Give Up

Eleanor has worked incredibly hard in maths this week and has shown herself to be a reflective learner - using feedback in a mature way to improve her work.   Well done, Eleanor!

Orangutans: Matthew - Improve

Matthew has shown a great learning attitude towards all subjects.  Really pushing hard and exemplifying this learning for life behaviour.  Keep it up Matthew!

Axolotls: Aimee- Respect Yourself and Others 

Your kindness and generosity really shone on sports day this week.  You supported everyone and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship, well done!

Duck-Billed Platypus': Maxwell - Respect yourself and others & Improve

Maxwell has approached this week with such a positive attitude and was such a great support on sports day!

Sports Cup: The Whole School - Don't Give Up

All the children displayed every learning behaviour in Sports Day.  Watching the children grow and the effort leading up to the day has made all the adults feel incredibly proud.

Well done St. Andrews!
