
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Elephants: Ronnie Work Hard and Concentrate 

Ronnie has been working really hard to improve his phonics and it is really starting to show. Well done, keep up the hard work.

Blue Whales: Buddy - Respect Yourself and Others

Buddy shows respect to everyone around school. He is always polite and will help anyone who needs it. 

Penguins: Jacob - All The Learning For Life Behaviours

Jake demonstrates all of our Learning for Life Behaviours every day. He works hard, respects himself and others, and strives to be the best he can.

Meerkats: Parker - Imagine and Work Hard and Concentrate

Tommy has shown incredible imagination in his writing this week; listening carefully to instructions and using this to produce a beautiful piece of work. Well done Tommy!

Orangutans: Zara - Respect Yourself and Others

Zara is a kind and thoughtful member of Orangutan Class. Always looking out for others and being a wonderful friend!

Axolotls: : Andrew - Respect Yourself and Others

Andrew has returned to school with such a positive attitude. He has been kind and supportive towards his peers. Well done Andrew, keep it up!

Duck-Billed Platypus': Olive - Improve

Wow, Olive - you've come on in leaps and bounds in Maths and Reading - there's no stopping you! Your hard work really is paying off!

Sport Cup: Thea - Respect Yourself and Others

Whatever Thea is doing in PE, she always does with a huge smile on her face. Thea always makes everyone smile, is a great friend and always encourages other people, putting their needs first. Well done Thea!
