Elephants: Isla W - Respect Yourself and Others
Isla has been a superstar this week, she has gone out of her way to help others and has supported her peers when they have hurt themselves. Well done Isla!
Blue Whales: Mabel - Improve
Mabel has made massive improvements this term. She has been trying her best in all lessons and this is showing in her work especially writing. Keep it up, Mabel!
Penguins: Summer - Try New Things
Summer has had a great week of "trying new things". Her confidence has shone when faced with a challenge and she has been so brave more than once, all with a beaming smile! We are proud of you Summer!
Meerkats: Nicholas - Work Hard and Concentrate
Nicky has worked his socks off in both Maths and English and has taken immense pride in his written work. Well done Nicky!
Orangutans: Matthew - All The Learning For Life Behaviours
Matthew has shown an amazing attitude to learning. He has showed all of the schools Learning for Life Behaviours. Keep up the amazing work!
Axolotls: : Joe - Improve
Joe has given 100% to his learning this week; he has approached learning in small steps and used feedback to improve. Well done Joe!
Duck-Billed Platypus': Kacie - Improve
Sport Cup: Emil - Don't Give Up
Emil has worked really hard in PE this term showing his skills in Basketball. Well done Emil!