
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Elephants: Iziah-Blu - Imagine and Try New Things

Iziah has shown great confidence in English, he is now being brave and having a go when asked a question. He has shown great innovation when changing The Three Little Pigs story. Amazing!

Blue Whales: Henry - Work Hard and Concentrate and Improve

Henry has really enjoyed our story of the Gruffalo and has worked really hard this week to produce an amazing piece of writing, creating his own new character. We are so proud of you Henry!

Penguins: Gracie-Mai - Work Hard and Concentrate and Improve

Gracie is going from strength to strength with her reading, she is trying so hard at home and in school, keep it up, Gracie!

Meerkats: Willis  - All The Learning For Life Behaviours

Willis, this week you have been noticed demonstrating all of our Learning for Life behaviours. You are a star, and for that, you should be proud!

Orangutans: Eva - Imagine

Eva has "wowed" us this week with her unique and imaginative headlines in English. We cannot wait to read the final piece!

Axolotls: Maisy - Respect Yourself and Others

Maisy is a super helpful member of Axolotl Class. She is always looking for ways to support her peers with their learning and helpful to adults in the class. Well-done Maisy!

Duck-Billed Platypus': Carter-Bleu - Work Hard and Concentrate

Carter works conscientiously in all that he does and applies himself quietly to every challenge. Well-Done, Carter.

Sport Cup: Mya - Work Hard and Concentrate

Mya always gets on with her PE lessons and never shies away from a challenge. Mya shows that she can follow instructions to keep her and her friends safe when doing PE and always listens.  Well done Mya!
