Elephants: Bella - Improve
Bella has been working hard in her phonics and practising her sounds. Your hard work is showing, Well Done Bella!
Blue Whales: Lillie - Work Hard and Concentrate
Lillie, you have shown great dedication this week to your learning, striving to do your best in all lessons. It has been amazing to see you working to improve at home as well. Great Work!
Penguins: Jarvis - Work Hard and Concentrate
Jarvis has tried hard with division this week in maths. He has understood the concept and challenged himself. Well Done Jarvis.
Meerkats: Phoebe - Respect Yourself and Others
Phoebe has shown amazing kindness and respect towards others. She is always happy to lend a helping hand and does so with a smile! Thank you and Well Done, Phoebe!
Orangutans: Jessie - Imagine
Jessie has blown us away this week with her creative responses in English about diversity and Maths investigations skills. Keep up the hard work!
Axolotls: Stanley - Improve and Work Hard and Concentrate
Stan, you have been a star in Axolotl class. You have shown such a mature attitude, always challenging yourself and striving to improve. Well Done, Stan!
Duck-Billed Platypus': Logan - All the Learning for Life Behaviours
What and asset Logan is already proving to be to our class and our St Andrews family. He is working so hard and striving so hard to improve everyday. Well Done Logan!
Sport Cup: Hunter - Respect Yourself and Others
Hunter always shows excellent listening skills in PE and is a great team player. Hunter always follows the rules and is an inspiration to his peers. Well done Hunter.