
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Love Birds: Joshua - Improve

Joshua has really focused on improving his writing this week. He has also been really helpful during tidy-up time. Well done Josh.

Pandas: Lincoln - Work hard and concentrate

This week Lincoln has worked extremely hard to manage distractions and to think carefully before acting. Keep up the good work Lincoln.

Seahorses: Tilly - Respect yourself and others

Tilly was very kind and helpful this week. She looked after a friend, who was feeling poorly, but she has also been keen to help other children with their learning. What a caring friend you are Tilly. It's so lovely to see!

Giraffes: Lila - Imagine

Lila has been super positive this week. She has been building on the ideas of others and responding with awe and wonderment! A great effort Lila!

Ocelots: Sackson - Work hard and concentrate

Sackson has impressed us in Ocelots class with his enthusiasm and drive to react everyday. Also his handwriting has improved and he takes pride in trying his best. Well done Sackson.

Polar Bears: Noah - Work hard and concentrate

Noah has made a real effort to manage distractions and make the right choices. Well done Noah!

Golden Eagles: Makala - Imagine

Makala had some great ideas in literacy this week. She worked hard to come up with some imaginative arguments, for and against different futuristic forms of transportation.

Falcons: Katy - Respect yourself and others.

Katy has been incredibly helpful this year, whether helping with registers or supporting children from Early Years. Thank you.

Sport Cup: Abigail - Don't give up

Abigail threw herself into sport this week with great determination and effort, achieving her very best!




