
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Elephants: Jackson - Try New Things

Jackson has now started to settle into school life. He is happy to give new things a go and been brave with his learning this week with lots of new experiences. 

Blue Whales: Evie - Work Hard and Concentrate and Improve

Evie has shown great focus this week, completed all of her tasks and demonstrated her money skills in maths. Well Done Evie!

Penguins: Danniella - Work Hard and Concentrate

Danniella has made an excellent start to her DT project - Santas Sleigh. She has shown accuracy and precison when measuring and helped others when they needed it.

Meerkats: Harrison - Try New Things

Harrison has given lots of new things a try this week - both in class and at lunchtime. He has shown curiosity and bravery and we are so proud of him, Well Done Harry!

Orangutans: Sofia - Don't Give Up 

Sofia has displayed amazing perseverance with all of her learning this week. Particularly in mastering fractions in maths. We are so proud of her efforts!

Axolotls: Arna - Try New Things and Improve

Arna has been a superstar with fractions this week! She has applied past knowledge and supported her peers. She has also made excellent contributions during DT week. Well Done Arna!

Duck-Billed Platypus': Marnie - Work Hard and Concentrate

Marnie is working so hard, with both her work and all she is doing to help everyone around her. You are bringing light into our lives, Marnie!

Sport Cup: Juliette - Don't Give Up

Juliette always tried hardest during PE and always shows excellent listening. Juliette has learnt many skills since joining St Andrews but her quoit skills are particularly good. Well Done Juliette!
