Elephants: Belle - Respect Yourself and Others
Belle has demonstrated loving others by helping when her friends hurt themselves and comforting them when they were upset. Well Done!
Blue Whales: Logan - Don't Give Up
Logan has worked hard this week to ensure all of his challenges were completed. He has tried his best in all lessons. Well Done Logan!
Penguins: Max - Try New Things
Max has settled into our St. Andrews family brilliantly. He works hard, is a good friend and has impressed us all. Well Done Max!
Meerkats: Harley - Work Hard and Concentrate and Don't Give up
Harley has shown incredible attitude to his learning. Really pushing himself to complete all tasks set! Well done Harley, keep it up :)
Orangutans: Miles - Don't Give up and Work Hard and Concentrate
Miles has shown determination and perseverance in all subjects this week. He has listened well to instructions, focused and used class resources to help him to succeed. Keep it up Miles!
Axolotls: Delilah - Work Hard and Concentrate
Delilah has worked hard this week with her excellent thoughts and her contributions to class discussions. Well done!
Duck-Billed Platypus': Ruby-Leigh, Emil and Louie - All Learning Behaviours
Ruby-Leigh, Emil and Louie have been helpful, kind and caring this week to others. Well Done!
Sport Cup: Jack M - Don't Give Up
Jack always shows excellent listening skills and is a great team player. Jack is an inspiration to his peers. Well done Jack!