
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Love Birds: Rhys - Try new things.

For a fantastic Take One Picture contribution; a wonderfully unique elephant.

Pandas: Liberty - Imagine.

Liberty has been totally enthralled and engaged in developing our Art work for Take One Picture. A lovely thing to witness Liberty.

Seahorses: Tanisha - Imagine.

Tanisha has thrown herself into all of our Take One Picture artwork. She has really used her imagination and made lots of helpful suggestions. It's wonderful to see you so inspired Tanisha. Well done!

Giraffes: Lila - Try new things.

Lila is now not afraid to try lots of new things. She has enjoyed tackling challenges in our challenge boxes and has shown real determination to complete each one. Well done Lila, we are very proud of you!

Ocelots: Abigail - Work hard and concentrate.

We were all very impressed with the effort that Abigail put into her writing this week. She put in her all and was imaginative with the words she used. Well Done Abigail, keep it up!

Polar Bears: Mia - Work hard and concentrate.

Mia never fails to rise to a challenge with enthusiasm and a smile on her face. It has been wonderful to see you challenging yourself and surprising yourself with what you can achieve. Keep it up Mia!

Golden Eagles: Daisy - Don't give up.

Daisy has worked hard this week, especially with her spellings. She showed super determination whilst working on her special writing. Well Done!

Falcons: Zack - Imagine.

Zack has used his imagination to produce a colourful and original piece of artwork for this year's Take One Picture exhibition.

Sport Cup: Morgan - Respect yourself and others.

While running , a classmate fell this week and Morgan stopped and helped, rather than running on. Well done Morgan for being so thoughtful.

