
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Evie - Improve

We are so proud of all that Evie has achieved. She is always seeking to improve and as a result her reading is flourishing. She works so hard both at school and home. Keep shining brightly!

Seahorses: Joseph - Work hard and concentrate

Joseph is trying so hard with all aspects of his learning. he has wowed us with his reading and phonics, especially spotting slit digraphs in words. Well done!

Wolves: Alice - All learning behaviours

Alice always demonstrates amazing focus and dedication to her learning. She is a great role-model for her peers and always shows respect for everyone in school.

Lions: Sofia - Don't give up

Sofia has worked incredibly hard on her reading and writing assessments this week; reading the questions carefully and when she found something persevering. Well done!

Dolphins: Rowan - work hard and concentrate

Amazing effort with her maths work, especially fractions - always challenges herself. Well done!

Owls: Maxwell - Don't give up

Maxwell has been really resilient when completing his assessments this week and has worked hard to stick at them. Well done!

Butterflies: Lola - Work hard and concentrate

Lola is working her metaphorical socks off - she gives full concentration and effort to her learning and is achieving great things. Well done!

Sport Cup: Parker - Respect yourself and others

Parker is an excellent team player. This week we have been focusing on team work during our PE lessons, Parker is a great leader and is always listening to his peers. Well done!




