
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Clara - Work hard and concentrate / Improve

Clara has been amazing us with her writing lately. She is working so hard to use her sound knowledge to help her spell at home and at school. Keep shining bright!

Seahorses: Matilda - Try new things

Matilda is thoroughly enjoying our RE unit on Judaism, she has learnt lots about Shabbat and been keen to share all she knows at home too! Well done!

Wolves: Beau - Respect yourself and others

Beau always shows respect to everyone around him. He is amazing at working with others and a great role-model to everyone. Keep shining!

Lions: Sofia - Try new things / Don't give up

Sofia has shown great determination in maths this week and has tried so hard on her fractions. Well done!

Dolphins: Delilah - All learning behaviours

Delilah has made a real effort in lessons, sharing her creative and imaginative thoughts with others during our reading of 'Escape from Pompeii'. Well done!

Owls: Eva - All learning behaviours

Eva has been a 'shining star' in owl class, setting herself challenges and not giving up - showing perseverance and determination. Well done!

Butterflies: Luisa - Work hard and concentrate

Luisa is pouring her heart and soul into her learning, at home and at school, and should feel so proud of what she is achieving! Well done!

Sports Cup: George - Work hard and concentrate

For joining in with all parts of his PE lessons this week. George has shown excellent communication skills when working as a team. Well done!
