
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Isabella - Respect yourself and others

Isabella is a kind and considerate member of caterpillar class. When thinking of our worship theme 'Welcoming', Isabella always springs to mind. Keep up the great work!

Seahorses: Landon - Work hard and concentrate

Landon has blown us away with his amazing reading. He is using his RWI knowledge to read words and is becoming so much more fluent. Well done!

Wolves: Ruby - Improve / Don't give up

Ruby, you have shown such an improvement in all areas of your learning. Well done for continuing to practise the skills we are exploring in class at home!

Lions: Mark - Work hard and concentrate / Improve

Mark has worked hard in every lesson this week. He has been enthusiastic about his learning, listened well to feedback and used this to improve his work. Keep it up!

Dolphins: Arlo - work hard and concentrate

Arlo always gives his best in every lesson. He is keen to contribute to discussions and confidently supports others learning with his vast general knowledge. well done!

Owls: Jacob - Improve

Jacob has taken the opportunity to challenge himself with his learning and applying past knowledge. He was so determined to do his best. Well done!

Butterflies: Jessica - improve

Jessica has reflected and responded so precisely to feedback - what incredible progress in your arithmetic. Well done!

Sport Cup: Nila - Imagine

For always giving 100% in her PE lessons. Nila is always showing her creative and innovative side when playing basketball. Well done!
