
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Tudor - Improve

Tudor has demonstrated such improvements in carpet times. He always has his 'magnet eyes' and 'listening ears'! He is so eager to join class discussions, keep it up!

Seahorses: George - Imagine

George has enjoyed our whole class text 'The Gruffalo' and has amazed us with his retelling rap of part of it. Well done!

Wolves: Nicholas - Improve

Nicky has made a real effort this week to complete tasks and participate in all areas of his learning. It has been lovely to hear all his amazing ideas.

Lions: Lilly-Rose - Don't give up

Lilly has shown such perseverance this week in maths, a shining example in every subtraction lesson. Well done for pushing yourself with new challenges!

Dolphins: Harrison - Work hard and concentrate

We have all been so impressed with how hard Harrison has been working since our return. He has shown such effort and concentration in all lessons, especially maths. Well done!

Owls: Tahir - Respect yourself and others / Work hard and concentrate

Tahir has returned to school with an extremely positive attitude, showing lots of respect to adults and peers. Well done!

Butterflies: Isabelle - Respect yourself and others / Improve

Hearing Issy talking about what she loved about writing during her writing meeting was just amazing. Keep believing!

Sport cup: Olive - Don't give up

For trying her best in PE this week and giving 100%. Olive kept trying her hardest in her basketball lesson and was successful when dribbling the ball whilst maintaining control.

