
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Ivy - Respect yourself and others

Ivy is a kind and caring member of Caterpillar class. She always understands others feelings and help others when she can. Keep up the great work!

Seahorses: Ava - Work hard and concentrate

Ava is working so hard with her learning. She has amazed us with her phonics during R.W.Inc and using these skills with her writing.

Wolves: Parker - All learning behaviours

Parker demonstrates all of our learning behaviours. He has done so well with adjectives and conjunctions this week in English. Well done!

Lions: Frankie - Respect yourself and others

Frankie showed great maturity whilst preparing for the Church Service this week. He supported his classmates and was a super role-model!

Dolphins: Isla - Respect yourself and others

Isla always gives her best to every aspect of our school life. She will help any member of our community and is a great example to us all!

Owls: Findlay - Improve

Findlay has been working really hard to make improvements to his handwriting. He has taken advice, slowed down and been more careful, making every effort to try his best. Well done!

Butterflies: Katie - Don't give up

Katie has worked with quiet perseverance and resilience during maths this week. It was lovely to see you surprising yourself. Well done!

Sport Cup: Emily - Work hard and concentrate

For working hard and always concentrating during her PE lessons. Emily always helps her peers and never give up. Well done!


