
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: George - Improve

George is making such improvements! He is much more confident to join in class discussions and has even come along with our 'Bear Hunt' this week, demonstrating all the actions.

Seahorses: Ethan - Try new things

Ethan has loved our class text 'Hairy Maclary'. He has amazed us with his own character 'Scarface Paws' who has very sharp claws!

Wolves: Callum - Work hard and concentrate

Callum has made a conscious effort to show great focus on his learning, challenging himself in all areas. Great learning choice!

Lions: Max - Respect yourself and others

Max has shown great kindness and maturity this week and has celebrated the success of other lions! Thank you, Max!

Dolphins: Evie - All learning behaviours

Evie has impressed us all this week, giving her best, accepting challenges and all with a smile! Well done!

Owls: grace - Imagine

Grace has worked really hard at digging deep to generate the most creative ideas for her diary writing whilst building on other's ideas. Great work!

Butterflies: Seth - Improve

Seth has astonished everyone with what he has achieved as a writer this week. What determination to challenge yourself, Seth. Well done!

Sport Cup: Ellis - try new things

For trying new things, always giving 100% and never giving up. Well done!

