
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Maurice - Try new things / Improve

Maurice has been working super hard to 'Try new things'. He has reached out of his comfort zone and is making such progress with class discussion skills and when engaging in group activities. Well done!

Seahorses: Danniella - Try new things

Danniella has amazed us with her designing and sewing of her Christmas Bunting during our D & T event, she listened so well and stayed focussed. Well done!

Wolves: Esme - Don't give up

You have shown this week just how determined you are in all areas of school life. It has been great to see you 'sticking at things' until you see improvements. Well done!

Lions: Ava - Don't give up / Work hard and concentrate

Ava has worked so hard during our D & T event, she has really focussed on her sewing skills and not given up when it was tricky. Well done!

Dolphins: Whole class - All Learning Behaviours

Dolphins have shown an amazing attitude and made such efforts with our D & T project this week. You have worked maturely, used new skills and worked safely finding time to help and support each other.

Owls: Archie - Imagine

Archie has been a shining star in Owl class this week, always striving to challenge himself. He has put forward some outstanding imaginative ideas for his character description in our class text. Well done!

Butterflies: Reily - Don't give up / Improve

Reily is achieving so much that he didn't think he could - he's taking more and more risks with his learning and really rising to challenges!

Sport Cup: Georgia - Respect yourself and others

For always showing fair play, honesty and kindness during her PE lessons. Well done!


