
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Caterpillars: Niya - All learning behaviours

Niya has come back to school with an amazing attitude. She is a great role-model to others in all our learning behaviours. Keep impressing us!

Seahorses: Huey - Work hard and concentrate

Huey has 'wowed' us all this week with his reading! He is reading his books with great enthusiasm, spotting his 'special friends' and 'red words'. Keep it up!

Wolves: Joey - Respect yourself and others

Joey has shown he can work really well as a team member. He has made sure everyone has a voice when working together. Well done!

Lions: Logan - Don't give up

Logan has shown incredible determination when completing his assessments this week. He has refused to give up, even when he found something tricky. Keep it up, Logan!

Dolphins: Aimee - Work hard and concentrate

Aimee always tries really hard in all subjects, but this week, she has particularly impressed us with her creative ideas in English. Well done!

Owls: Kacie - Improve

Kacie has impressed us with her fractions work this week. She has taken small steps, dug deep and been rewarded with progress. Well done!

Butterflies: Jude - Improve

Jude is showing such improvement in his precision in all that he is doing and should feel so proud of what he is achieving.

Sport Cup: Tudor - Work hard and concentrate

For excellent listening skills and not giving up during his PE lesson. Well done!




