Ants: Whole Class - Respect yourself and others
Wow, wow, wow Ant class, you smashed your first Sport's Day! We all tried our best. It was lovely to see us all cheering each other on! We are so proud of you!
Giraffes: Alexa - Improve
Alexa's confidence this half term has flourished. She has worked hard to put her hand up! She blew us away in maths using her coin knowledge to be an 'Amazing Shopkeeper'.
Otters: Dougie - Try new things / Respect yourself an others
Dougie is such a kind and caring friend to others and will always support all of the others. He has impressed us by using our vocabulary words in context. Well done!
Hummingbirds: Arna - Work hard and concentrate / Respect yourself and others
Arna has been trying so hard to complete enough challenge she's faced this week, putting in maximum effort and focussing an the right things. Well done!
Foxes: Carter - Improve
Carter has grown in confidence over the last term. He is contributing really well in class, sharing his answers. We are proud of the improvement you have made!
Chipmunks: Charlie - Imagine
Charlie has worked super hard with his writing - he has used imaginative ideas and challenged himself to use interesting vocabulary. Well done!
Fireflies: Joe - Improve
It has been wonderful to see Joe growing in confidence, maturity and precision as a writer. This is not just the result of his hard work this week, but during the whole year. Well done!
Sport Cup : Whole School - Respect yourself and others
Congratulations to everyone for a fantastic sports Day! You cheered, ran and jumped. Well done to you all!