Ants: Olivia - Work hard and concentrate
Olivia wrote an amazing poem this week. She included lots of rhyming words and spelt everything independently! Keep up the good work!
Giraffes: Leonardo - Improve
We are so proud of Leo! He has challenged himself with his independence, listening to instructions and completing his work independently.
Otters: Oscar - Try new things
Oscar has excelled in our new topic this term. He used previous science knowledge to help him investigate and was a superstar with scientific vocabulary!
Hummingbirds: Andrew - Try new things / Don't give up
Andrew has returned from half-term break with a positive attitude and has shown great resilience. Well done!
Foxes: Marnie - All learning behaviours
Marnie has demonstrated a really positive growth mindset attitude this week, especially in her artwork (clay). She kept trying and was even able to use newly improved skills to help others. Well done!
Chipmunks: Abigail - Imagine
Abby has impressed us with her inference skills this week - she has thought creatively about ideas and dug deep into the text to find ideas. Well done!
Fireflies: Harley - Respect yourself and others
Harley always seeks out opportunities to challenge himself, encouraging and taking others with him as he does so. What a role-model you are!