
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Ants: Thea - Improve / Don't give up

Thea has been working super hard in Ants class. We have seen such an improvement in both her reading and maths. She always has such a smile on her face when she feels proud, a shining star!

Giraffes: Nicholas - Improve

Nicky, your determination and enthusiasm this week has been amazing. You have been striving to make good choices and contributing towards class discussions. We are so proud of you!

Otters: Max - All learning behaviours

Max is a shining example in otter class. He is always ready to learn and give his best, an amazing otter!

Hummingbirds: Rosie - All learning behaviours

Rosie always shows all our learning behaviours and has shown great resilience when approaching fractions this week!

Foxes: Archie - All learning behaviours

Archie is such a great example to others, his learning behaviours are superb. He contributes well in discussions and is ready to help others.

Chipmunks: Evelyn - Try new things

Evelyn has showed great courage this week, looking for high levels of challenge and sticking at her choices - well done!

Fireflies: Ava - Work hard and concentrate

Ava has invested impressive time and effort in revising key areas of learning from this year - you really are a shining star!

Sport Cup: Esme - Work hard and concentrate

Esme ran her first 20M race in PE this week. We are all so proud of how hard you have worked. Well done!





