
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Ants: Summer - Try new things

Summer has blown us away this week, she has been doing an amazing job of taking responsibility and pride in our classroom. Helping tidy and made us all very proud!

Giraffes: Isabella - Respect yourself and others

Bella is so caring, she always puts others first. She has been a supportive partner this week and this has, in turn, supported her confidence levels. Keep it up!

Otters: Harley - All learning behaviours

Harley has impressed us this week, making good choices and displaying our learning behaviours. We are all so very proud of you!

Hummingbirds: Harrison - All learning behaviours

Astounding effort in recent weeks, Harrison: Super listening, attention, kindness and helped adults with special jobs. We are so proud of you!

Foxes: Emily - Work hard and concentrate

Emily is working hard to improve her writing, making it more exciting for the reader. She has had excellent creative ideas for her work.

Chipmunks: Miley - Work hard and concentrate / Improve

Miley has been working really hard, particularly with her reading. She hasn't rushed, applied summarising techniques and shown real enjoyment in learning. Well done!

Fireflies: Emily - Imagine / Respect yourself and others

Emily sparkled during our 'shared write', this week, sharing such generosity and imagination in the ideas that she contributed.

Sport Cup: Harry - Don't give up

Harry worked hard on his technique in football using his laces to strike the ball. Well done!


