Ants: George - Improve
George has had such a great week! He has amazed us with his phonic blending and been super busy at home and in school, working on new skills, your 'name writing' looks great too. We are very proud of you!
Giraffes: Tyler - Improve
Tyler has thrived in Maths this week, answering questions, completing challenges and even spent his own time completing his tasks with great determination. Great work, Tyler!
Otters: Monty - Work hard and concentrate
We have been so impressed with Monty's attitude to his learning. He has worked hard this week, especially on our statistics maths topic. Keep it up!
Hummingbirds: Evie - All learning behaviours
Evie has shown all areas of learning behaviours this week - especially in Maths! She has really challenged herself to grasp column multiplication. What a great role-model, Evie!
Foxes: Macie - Try new things
Macie has made an excellent effort with her writing, trying to use exciting adjectives to improve her description in our story writing.
Chipmunks: Daisy - Improve
Daisy has worked hard to 'mprove' this week. She has avoided rushing and put 110% effort into everything. She has worked particularly hard at applying past knowledge in Maths. Well done!
Fireflies: Charlie - Respect yourself and others
Charlie has supported others this week, as he does every week, and shown admirable empathy and maturity when supporting his peers. I'm beyond proud of you, Charlie!
Sport Cup: Year 4 - Don't give up
Year 4 demonstrated resilience and stamina during the bleep test with ALL of the children improving their score. Well done!