
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Love Birds: Edward - Improve.

A magical moment during Abracadabra Doo Challenges - whilst balancing, Edward used sentences to communicate to others. Well Done Edward!

Pandas: Alfie - Work hard and concentrate.

Alfie works hard and concentrates on his 'Maths Mastery' activity each day. He listens to ideas suggested by his friends to help improve his learning. Alfie is a joy to teach!

Giraffes: Charlotte - Work hard and concentrate.

Charlotte has remained focused this week and has really pushed herself to do her best. Keep it up Charlotte!

Seahorses: Dennis - Don't give up.

Dennis has remained determined this week, even when things got tricky! He as a great growth mind set and will say 'I can't do it yet with a smile!'

Ocelots: Freia - Work hard and concentrate.

Freia has persevered and put 100% into improving her handwriting with spectacular results. She has continued her efforts to maintain this and has earned a handwriting pen to use in her work. She is now concentrating on using as many amazing 'rainbow words' as she can. Keep it up!

Polar Bears: Grace - Work hard and concentrate.

Grace has impressed us so much with her enthusiasm and focus across the curriculum this week - we are so proud of you. Keep it up!

Golden Eagles: Rosie - Work hard and concentrate.

Rosie has been working hard this week, especially in literacy, where she wrote a fantastic recount of our class trip to West Stow Anglo Saxon village. She always has a super attitude to her work and puts a lot of effort into tasks. Well done Rosie!

Falcons: Amy - Work hard and concentrate.

Amy always tries her hardest. She has had to persevere with some challenging literacy and maths and I am incredibly proud of the effort she has made. Well done Amy!


