
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Ants: Thomas - Work hard & concentrate/Improve

Thomas really 'wowed' us when writing letters to Santa this week. He used his phonic knowledge to word build, working hard and showing great determination throughout! You are a shining star!

Giraffes: Esme - All learning behaviours

Esme, you have shown great confidence and focus this week. Your positivity has spread to the whole cast during the nativity rehearsals. Keep working hard!

Otters: Frankie - All learning behaviours

Frankie has 'wowed' us all! He has settled so well into our Otter class and the St Andrew's family, it is lovely to have you here!

Hummingbirds: Rosie - All learning behaviours

Rosie does her very best every single day! The progress she has made is clearly seen in all areas. What a great role-model for all, showing those St Andrew's learning behaviours.

Foxes: Lizzie - Improve

Lizzie has made a huge improvement with her attitude towards school and learning since half-term and is producing work of a much higher standard. Well done!

Chipmunks: Reily - Try new things

Reily has shown enjoyment in trying lots of new things - particularly reading. He has made wonderful reading choices and has been keen to share these with other children. Great work!

Fireflies: Ayva -  Don't give up

Ayva has really 'dug deep' in Maths over the past week and the more she has achieved, the more she has believed! We are so proud of you,

Sport Cup: Hero - Imagine

Hero demonstrated great control and balance during gymnastics and was able to perform to the class. Well done!
