
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Ants: Ellis - Improve / Don't give up

Ellis has been working so hard in Ant class! He is always pushing himself to do better, especially with his name writing. It is wonderful to see him take such pride in his work!

Giraffes: Freddie - Don't give up

Freddie, we are so impressed with your determination this week in the assessments, striving for accuracy and having faith that you will succeed.

Otter: Agnes - All learning behaviours

Agnes is a shining example to Otter class. She always tries her very best in everything that she does and is kind and helpful to others. Well done!

Hummingbirds: Isla - Respect yourself and others

Isla has shown kindness towards many children. She is always generous and caring, making the right choices in the classroom and on the playground.

Foxes: Marnie - Work hard and concentrate

Making a super effort with maths, spelling in her writing, not giving up and showing a positive attitude.

Chipmunks: Hannah - Respect yourself and others

Hannah is always on hand to help out others when she can - she always goes above and beyond to respect her peers and make others smile.

Fireflies: Erin - Try new things

Erin has embraced every opportunity to be brave, challenge herself and take risks this week - and has felt the rewards of doing so!

Sport Cup: KS2 Football Team

The KS2 displayed excellent teamwork and determination at the Essex school's tournament this week and proudly represented the school. Well done!

