Love Birds: Leo - Respect yourself and others.
Leo has a super attitude to learning. Love Birds enjoyed hearing all about his trip to Cornwall and looking at pictures of the turquoise sea. He listened to questions and answered them very clearly.
Pandas: Henry - Improve.
Henry has worked very hard to complete his writing and maths work this week. He has been a supportive talk partner too. Well done Henry!
Giraffes: Whole class. Seahorses: Whole class - Work hard and concentrate.
The Giraffes and Seahorses have worked extremely hard this week. They have really enjoyed being together and despite this being very different, have coped very well. Well done year 2.
Ocelots: Lilly-May - Work hard and concentrate.
We are really impressed with the effort Lilly-May has given in class. She quietly concentrates on her work and gives !00%.Keep it up, we are very proud of you.
Polar Bears : Ryan - Improve.
Ryan's reading is coming on in leaps and bounds. It's brilliant to see him putting in so much effort during Guided Reading as well as putting in the hours at home!
Golden Eagles: Sophie - Work hard and concentrate.
Sophie has started the summer term with a really positive attitude to her learning. She has approached challenges with enthusiasm this week, which is super to see. Well done Sophie!
Falcons: Kaelin - Work hard and concentrate.
Kaelin has had a lot of extra work to do in preparation for the forthcoming tests. He has worked diligently, without complaint. Well done Kaelin!