Thedara - Respect yourself and others, Thedara always shows a loving, caring attitude. She helps her friends when needed and is always a brilliant help at tidy-up time.
Tilly - respect yourself and others. Tilly is always a positive role-model in kangaroos. Not only does she always strive to succeed in her own work but is quick to help and support others.
Sidney - Respect yourself and others. Sid has been a good friend this week, helping fellow Chipmunks with their learning. he has shown a caring and responsible attitude. What a shining example!
Jonnie - Improve. Well done for improving your drawing of a monkey.
Ashleigh - Try new things. Ashleigh always enjoys having a go. she looks for different opportunities to try new challenges. Well done.
Lily - Improve. Lily has worked hard to improve this eek. She has read a lot more and has shown good concentration and motivation to improve her spelling.
Shayne - Improve. What an amazing week you have had. We were suitably impressed with your whizzy gymnastics and you have been focused throughout the week. keep it up!
Hannah - Improve. Hannah has made brilliant progress within the accerated reading scheme. she has read so many of our new books. Brilliant!
Sports Cup - Luca. Last year, with no previous experience, Luca picked up an orienteering map and whizzed round his first course unaided. This week, after a single coaching session, he picked up a discus and threw it 22.9 metres to win the house competition. By trying new things, Luca, you have discovered amazing talents.