Ants: Oscar - Work hard and concentrate
Oscar has worked his socks off this week! He has completed all his learning with enthusiasm and even become a great help to others. Well done!
Giraffes: Miles - Work hard and concentrate
Miles has enjoyed his learning this week, finding out about 'Betsy Buglove' and has relished sharing his knowledge with others. He also produced a fantastic 'Big Write'!
Otters: Huey - Work hard and concentrate
Huey has worked hard this week. He always has a quiet hand and school legs on the carpet. he has participated in every class discussion and is a wonderful role-model for the class.
Hummingbirds: Arna - Work hard and concentrate
Arna has been our star learner this week. Her determination and concentration has been sensational! She has made us smile every single day with her helpfulness and super attitude!
Foxes: Whole class - Work hard and concentrate / Improve
Fox class have made huge improvements with their 'Big Write' this week. The produced great 'Eco' leaflets using paragraphs and modal verbs and it was all presented beautifully. We are very proud of them!
Chipmunks: Will - Try new things / Don't give up
Will has worked very hard all week. His contributions have bee spot on and he always seeks opportunities to ask pertinent questions. He has also showed great resilience in maths this week!
Fireflies: Alfie - Try new things
Alfie has shone and sparkled his way through his first month at St. Andrew's and well and truly feels like a part of our Firefly family!
Sport Cup: Phoebe - Respect yourself and others
Phoebe showed great moves and balance in this week's gymnastics. Keep it up, Phoebe!