Ants: Alexandra - Respect yourself and others
You always have beautiful manners and show such kindness to others, even putting others before yourself! Well done!
Giraffes: Joey - Don't give up
Wow, you have blown us away with your positive attitude in all areas of learning. Your belief in yourself is blossoming each day. We are so proud of you!
Otters: Lilly-Rose - All learning behaviours
Lilly-Rose is such a delightful and kind member of Otter class. She demonstrates our learning behaviours all the time and will always help others. Well done!
Hummingbirds: Sebastian - Respect yourself & others/ Work hard & concentrate
Every day this week, Seb has been a fantastic role-model, making the right choices. We are really proud of you!
Foxes: Carter - Improve
Carter has started year 4 with such a positive attitude. He is now contributing in class, working more independently and impressing us all. Keep it up, Carter!
Chipmunks: April - Respect yourself & others/ Work hard & concentrate
April is such a kind friend to all, she also is a great role-model. She works hard in and out of school to ensure she grasps new skills. Well done, April!
Fireflies: Corley - All learning behaviours
Corley has set a shining example in all that he has done in year 6 so far, and gives everyone so much to aspire to in all areas of learning. Well done!
Sport Cup: Christopher - Respect yourself & others
Chris worked so well in a team this week and was able to demonstrate his fantastic tennis skills. Well done!