
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Zebras: Callum - Improve & Don't give up

Callum has had such a fantastic 'can do' attitude this week. He has strived to improve his own writing and inspired his friends to persevere too. Well done!

Chameleons: Eva - Improve

Eva has been striving for accuracy in her writing this week, focussing on her handwriting and spelling, keep working hard!

Red Pandas: Stanley - All learning behaviours

Stanley is a fabulous member of Red Pandas class! He is polite and respectful, always gives 100% and consistently demonstrates all of the St. Andrew's learning behaviours. What a superstar!

King Cobras: Jase - Work hard and concentrate

Jase has made excellent efforts with his maths learning this week, really trying to work independently to find solutions, well done, Jase! You have also put great effort into your reading!

Polar Bears: Teagan - All learning behaviours

Teagan has shown the 'improve' learning behaviour this week with her time-tables. She has also 'not given up' and showed real determination! Teagan , you are such a role-model for respecting others, such a kind polar bear class member. Well done!

Koalas: Whole class - All learning behaviours

What an amazing first week back! Koala class have all worked so incredibly hard and with great enthusiasm and produced fantastic work. We are very proud of you all!

Mountain Goats: Jack - Work hard and concentrate

Jack quietly gives all to everything that he turns his hand to, which is resulting in stunning achievements and progress. What a shining star!

Sport Cup: Henry - Work hard and concentrate

Henry had amazing focus during practice for sprints and bouncy hopper races this week, listening and following instructions. Well done, Henry!



