
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Zebras: Esme - Respect yourself and others

Esme has been such a caring Zebra this week, showing real concern for others. She has also strived to improve her blending skills, reading no fewer than 110 green words! Well done!

Chameleons: Mark - Improve

Mark has impressed us this week with an outstanding 'Big Write'. He has really thought about the structure, vocabulary and handwriting. A superstar!

Red Pandas: Harrison - Respect yourself and others

Harrison has been a really kind friend this week and supported his learning partner when she hurt her foot. He moved seats, made sure she had everything she needed and showed real care. Well done!

King Cobras: Louis - Work hard and concentrate

Louis has worked really hard with division this week and completed the task today completely independently. Well done!

Polar Bears: Nila - Work hard and concentrate

Nila always gives 100% every day! She is not afraid to take risks and challenge herself. A fantastic attitude!

Koalas: Whole Class - All learning behaviours

Koalas, I have been 'blown away' by your resilience this week, you have shown fantastic focus and maturity and this has resulted in some excellent work. Keep it up, Koalas!

Mountain Goats: Marley - Improve

We have no words, Marley! You've said it yourself this week - you are caring so much about your learning and achieving so much to be proud of as a result!

Sport Cup: Arna - Work hard and concentrate

Arna was fantastic at throwing in rounders this week and followed the instructions carefully. Great work!



