
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Zebras: George - Respect yourself and others

George has been focussing on the right things and making good choices. It hasn't gone unnoticed and his efforts have also helped him to make great strides in his learning! We're so proud of you!

Chameleons: Logan - All learning behaviours

Logan your attitude towards learning has shone so brightly this week, especially with 'Big Write'. You are willing to contribute during lessons, focussing and completing every task with a smile on your face!

Red Pandas: Darcy - Work hard and concentrate/Improve

Darcy has engaged in online learning with a positive attitude, big smile and willingness to have a go. You have been more confident to put up your virtual hand and have challenged yourself with your learning. It has also been really lovely to see you working so hard and helping others. Well done!

King Cobras: Findlay - Don't give up

Findlay tries hard with all of his work and never gives up. He challenges himself to go further in maths and this week his creative writing, a menu for Iron Man, was excellent!

Polar Bears: Jude - Don't give up/ Work hard and concentrate

Jude storms through his maths challenges with such enthusiasm, but this week he has been noticed for his patience, applying his 'don't give up' attitude to trickier problems. Well done!

Koalas: Ben - Improve

Ben has adapted to online learning fantastically and has demonstrated his expert knowledge during our topic sessions on space. Great work!

Mountain Goats: Jake - Work hard and concentrate

Remote learning hasn't stopped Jake from striving to challenge himself, particularly when problem solving and reasoning in maths...challenging himself to scale up a flapjack recipe, to feed 30,000 hungry football fans, has been a highlight of this week!
