
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Zebras: Araminta - Work hard and concentrate

Minty has worked really hard and concentrated well in school, she hasn't had her spirits or resilience dampened by all the changes. Well done, Minty!

Chameleons: Ava - All learning behaviours

Ava has shown great determination, resilience and positivity throughout her sessions both in school and online. She has praised others with their work too! Well done, Ava!

Red Pandas: Rowan - Work hard and concentrate

Rowan is trying so hard and greets us with a smile every session. She is focussed, achieving amazing results and a shining example to Red Pandas.

King Cobras: Brooke - Try new things

Brooke has shown great confidence this week. She has tried hard independently with all her online work. Well done!

Polar Bears: Heath - Don't give up / Work hard and concentrate

Heath has worked his socks off this week during remote learning sessions! He has focussed well on every task and completed all his work really carefully. He has gained so many Dojo points this week. Keep it up, Heath!

Koalas: Charlie - Work hard and concentrate

Charlie has been fantastic this week with his online learning, researching space facts and showing great levels of engagement. A great start to the term!

Mountain Goats: Emily - Don't give up

Emily has put enormous effort into leaping out of her comfort zone in Maths, I hope she feels very proud of herself and the results gained. Well done!
