Zebras: Tyller - Work hard and concentrate
Tyller has worked so hard this week, 'wowing' us with his writing, sounds and number recognition. He has been so focussed and felt proud of his achievements. Well done!
Chameleons: Dougie - Improve
Wow, Dougie, you have amazed us with your reading fluency and outstanding spelling this week. We are so proud of you. Welll done!
Red Pandas: Delilah - All Learning behaviours
Delilah has been a shining example to the class, ready for her learning each day and contributing in each session and she has tried her best in every activity. Well done!
King Cobras: Daisy - Improve
Daisy, you are working so hard at home and school! This effort is resulting in progress, keep up the good work, Daisy!
Polar Bears: Abigail - Try new things / Work hard and concentrate
Abigail always pushes herself out of her 'comfort zone' to achieve exceptionl results. She frequently extends her learning at home without prompting. Keep aiming high, Abi!
Koalas: Chloe - Improve
Chloe wrote a fantastic persuasive letter this week using imperative verbs and rhetorical questions! Well done, Chloe!
Mountain Goats: Anna - Work hard and concentrate
Anna has thrown everything at her remote learning this week, persevering throughout each session every day. What a shining example!
Sport Cup: Charlie - Improve
Charlie showed fantastic determination and stamina during cross-country this week. Great work, Charlie!