
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Zebras: Jacob - Work hard and concentrate

It was so lovely to see Jacob enjoying his learning this week. Not only did he write number 4 on the playground in chalk, he challenged himself even further and had a go at making a number line too! Well Done!

Chameleons: Lilly-Rose - Respect yourself and others

Lilly is such a kind and caring member of Chameleon class. She looks after everyone making sure they feel included and always tries her hardest in all areas of her learning. Keep up the great work!

Red Pandas: Rosie - Work hard and concentrate

Rosie has started year 2 with a great attitude and determination towards her learning. She always tries her hardest and is a great role-model to others. Well done!

King Cobras: Isaac - Respect yourself and others

Isaac, you are really trying so hard; thinking about your actions, working with others and doing your best. Keep up the good work. All of King Cobras are very proud of you!

Polar Bears: Angel - Work hard and concentrate

Angel has demonstrated a fantastic attitude since the start of term. She always listens carefully and makes sure she does her very best.

Koalas: Sophia - Work hard and concentrate

Sophia has been working really hard on improving her writing and is amazing us with her adventurous vocabulary. Keep it up!

Mountain Goats: Liberty - Work hard and concentrate

Liberty has absolutely thrown herself into her learning with such determination to improve, enthusiasm and resilience - even when things have been challenging! You've deservedly conquered those challenges. Well done!

Sport Cup: Lily - Improve

Lily challenged herself this week in hurdles, successfully jumping the tallest hurdle. Well done!


