
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Penguins: Malachy - Imagine

Malachy used his imagination to ask some brilliant questions on our gallery visit this week. It was lovely to see how much you enjoyed it!

Owls: Zachariah - Respect yourself and others

Zach is always the first person to take care of a friend, what a kind boy you are!

Leopards: Joey - Improve

Joey has made improved choices this week and it has been so lovely to see more of Joey in class. Joey, you really enjoyed the visit to First Site and we are all so proud of you. Keep up the good work!

Wolves: Whole class - All learning behaviours

Wolves class asked excellent questions and demonstrated all the school's learning behaviours on our trip to First Site Gallery. Well done!

Meerkats: Ben - Work hard and concentrate

Ben, your attitude towards learning has shone this week, your focus and creativity in English and your amazing questions at the art gallery that have wowed us! Keep up the hard work!

Narwhals: Liberty - Don't give up

Liberty impressed us all with perseverance during our 'Odd Percentage Out' problem solving, showing great strategic thinking to see it through!

Squirrels: Tilly - Improve

Showing a mature and respectful attitude to her work, setting herself high expectations in tasks set. Well done!

Sport Cup: Oliver - Work hard and concentrate

Oliver worked hard this week improving his tennis skills and showing off a great warrior pose! Great work, Oliver!


