
St Andrew's

C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Cup Winners

Penguins: Hero – Respect yourself and others

When a fellow member of Penguin class was injured, Hero was so kind and caring. What a lovely friend you were!

Owls: Andrew - Imagine

Andrew has been so excited and engaged with our special science week. He has loved observing, particularly his lava lamp experiment, and has enjoyed talking with the class about it.

Leopards: Emily - Work hard and concentrate

Emily is a shining star; she consistently works hard and concentrates and because of her excellent attitude to learning, she has been able to share her success with the rest of the class! Well done!

Wolves: Eddie – Work hard and concentrate

Eddie has really persevered in Maths this week and didn’t give up when calculating the solutions to money problems. Great work!

Meerkats: Keanu – Improve

Keanu’s attitude towards learning this week has been amazing. He has shown perseverance in all subjects. Well done!

Narwhals: Louis – Imagine

Louis brought his love for science to class this week. He showed great curiosity, asking great questions and explaining with great clarity. Well done!

Squirrels: Jodie – Imagine

Jodie has written a superb World War II story with flair and imagination, demonstrating an excellent understanding of clauses. Well done!

Sport Cup: Archie – Work hard and concentrate

Archie worked so well with his partner in PE this week, exploring movement with a prop and mirroring each other’s movements. Well done!
